Monday, April 27, 2009

Diets and Blue Cheese Dressing

Today is Monday and I am officially starting my diet. It is the 52nd diet I have started in the past year. I have gained and lost the same pounds now 52 times. But this time, I really mean it. 

It's hard to be on a diet when you are a cook. Now I know what you are thinking, "but you're a cook", you can make low fat, low calorie everything. Uh-huh. That is what makes it doubly hard. I KNOW what things are supposed to taste like and there are just some things that will never, ever taste like the "real" thing. 

So what's a serial dieter and consummate cook to do? Do her best. Here is the best "diet" blue cheese dressing around. I took out the sour cream and mayo and substituted yogurt. I'm having a tad on my lunch salad today. 

Blue Cheese Dressing:

1 cup Greek style 0% fat yogurt (my favorite is FACE)
Juice of half a lemon
1/4 cup blue cheese, crumbled
Kosher Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper
Skim Milk as needed to thin

Whisk the yogurt, lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste together. Stir in blue cheese. Add skim milk by tablespoons until desired consistency. 

Tastes like the real thing. I promise. 


  1. I'm not a blue cheese fan but I could do with losing a few pounds.  Can you make anything low fat with chocolate?CJ xx

  2. oh, do check out my previous post James and the Giant Cupcakes. These are low fat, low cal and no one will know. I promise!!


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