Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Journey

I spent a few days at the ocean this week.

What is it about the soothing ebb and flow of the waves? What is it about standing where the sky meets the sea and sand that calms the heart and opens the mind?

Whatever it is I am grateful for it.

I am seeking peace and grace in my life. I have stopped asking why. I am coming to the end of one journey and tentatively beginning another. Where the journey leads is not the point. Where the journey ends is not the destination. The journey itself is the road to finding myself.

One evening I walked for a very long time on the beach. I let the surf crash over my feet. I watched young lovers walk hand in hand secure in their right to a loving future.

I drew in the sand.

And I watched as the never ending waves washed away my words.
And I cried.
And when I was done crying I brushed the sand off myself and walked on. A new journey with no destination in mind other than grace and peace.


  1. You're not alone. I'm with you. :-)

  2. You are surely not alone Linda and the memory of Jim will live on in all of us. I am a better person for just knowing you and sharing in this journey.

  3. I feel privileged that you are sharing your journeys with us. This post, like so many others, is inspiring. I wish you the peace that you seek.

  4. Grace and peace, I love that.
    I am constantly running away to the ocean (check out my latest blog entry). It is a soothing place. Somehow I give my heart to the power of mother ocean, the sky, the stars at night as the wind ruffles my hair and I imagine David kissing my cheeks.

    You are right. It's the journey. Where are we going? Who knows. How did we get here? Can't answer that either, but we just put one foot in front of the other....

    I'm glad you took that trip.

  5. Linda:

    I wish I could have been there to hold your hand. Or maybe it was one of those occasions when solitude and tears do the most toward healing and someone else would have been a burden. In any case, there are quite a few of us who wish you love and laughter.

  6. What a beautiful post - thank you for sharing with us. I wish you grace, peace and a safe journey (wherever it takes you). Thinking of you always but especially tomorrow. Take care of yourself.

  7. Beautiful. I'm so happy to know you are healing well. Peace to you on your continued journey.


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