Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cake Bite Scooper Winner and Morels

Oh, I got so caught up with Birthday Week I forgot to announce the winner of the restaurant grade scooper - just perfect for making Cake Bites, the absolutely delicious, pop-one-in-your-mouth dessert that is sweeping the blogs.

Whitney, email me your mailing address and I will get a scooper right out to you!


I'm sure you will find many uses for this mini scooper. It makes the perfect size cookies, miniture cupcakes and of course cake bites!

Congratulations and enjoy!

Look, look, look! This is what I got yesterday from Carlo's Bakery (The Cake Boss) in Hoboken.
It's my birthday cake.

It was very hard to choose - look at the selection!


And this is what I got today fresh from Oregon Mushrooms:

Double Yum! Morels.

Guess what we're having for dinner tonight?

The Perfect Morel:

1/2 pound of fresh morels
4 ounces fresh, cold, unsalted butter

Very gently wash each morel just prior to cooking. Drain and dry on paper towels.

Melt butter on medium low in a heavy saute pan. When sizzling and slightly foamy, add morels. Saute quickly, shaking pan to coat each morel with butter. When morels are soft and have just a slight golden sheen to them, remove from pan. Sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground pepper and serve.


A Cook's Notes: I am saving the other half pound until the weekend. I will quick saute the morels, let cool, then stuff with goat cheese and run them under the broiler. I WILL get back on my diet eventually - right? RIGHT??


  1. Congrats Winner.. and Happy Birthday!

  2. My husband hunts morels every year and we love them. Around here everyone batters and fries them, but I think your way sounds better. I think the batter gets in the way of the taste.

  3. I am cracking up right now...as I write this..First I see the magnificant pictures of those mouth watering cakes and sweets in that case....( what a bakery ) My mouth was just dying to taste some !!!... and then.. the picture of the mushroom..Aren't they the ugliest food in the raw !!! I can eat them in foods when prepared but the look give me the chills!!!I hope this does not offend any mushroom lovers.

  4. Ann - thank you!

    Mrs. D. - I love them too but sadly either we don't have them here or I just can't find them. I am told they do grow in NJ but I don't know of anyone who forages them. I'm just happy to have a whole pound to enjoy.

    Marlene - Carlo's Bakery is do die for. And yes, I guess the bakery and the mushrooms all in the same post is a bit of irony...

  5. That chocolate cake looks like a bit of heaven for my mouth.

  6. Kate - that cake is going to be the death of my diet. But it really was a piece of heaven and birthdays do call for a bit decadence..

  7. Happy Birthday! You made a good choice! Did I miss a post on cake bites? I mean what can be better than cake bites??

    We're off to Portland tomorrow morning and I am going to the farmer's market to find morels..

  8. Well, Happy Birthday! The cake (and other cakes) look absolutely awesome.

  9. Look at all of those marvelous cakes! I would love to learn the art of cake art...
    Enjoy your cake!

  10. Buffalo - one of the few reasons to work!

    Nancy - thank you. You are so lucky to find morels in the farmers market, I paid dearly for mine.

    Suldog - thank you. I am not one to skip a celebration especially if it involves cake.

    Phoebe - it is quiet an art, isn't it? Me, I just love eating the finished product.


Wow. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love feedback... what with being a cook and all. I will respond to your comments via email (if you do not have a "noreply" address or here, below your comment) As always, Bon Appetite!

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